It's time to report in for Stitch From Stash, the cross stitch group that helps us STOP spending money and use what we have. We have a $25 budget to work with every month. I really don't have a lot of stash. I have a lot of free patterns that I keep on the computer, and some I've bought. I do have some fabric but I usually only buy what I need for a project and try to use the leftovers. It's not easy though...just recently Joann's had a 20% off for seniors for everything including sale items. Fortunately, that's a good thing this time as I have been saving up! I bought, drum roll please.....39 skeins of embroidery floss and a roll of Aida. 39? Yep, because I have 2 big projects coming up.
I've also had a finish.....
It's my first finish for this year. It's a birth sampler for my grandson's room.
That gives me $4 credit. Nice.
So here's my report for January:
25.00 budget
4.00 credit
- 17.00 spent
+12.00 to the good!
Next month, since you all know what's going on, I'll put my report at the top and you can skip down ;-)
Here are a couple of things I'm working on...
This is from Brooke Nolan's Spring Pantry...
Also working on Firefly by Kell Smurthwaite...
It's been a bit difficult as the fabric is dark brown Aida (Browncoats unite!) so I have to wait for some nice days to work on it - it's the sunshine that helps. ;-)
In other news...I've joined a small group at my church. They're working on the book "He Chose The Nails" by Max Lucado. They're already in chapters 3 and 4 but catch-up shouldn't be too hard. I'm looking forward to this.
So that's it for this month - and nothing politically incorrect this month...but the year is new.