It's been a month since I've written - and it's not because nothing's happened. It's just I haven't sat down to write about it.
First, Stitch From Stash...
$5.00 spent
0.00 earned
$5.00 total which means I'm $20 under budget. Nice.
Here are some things I have finished...or not....though they do not count towards finishes to earn $ at Stitch from Stash. That's ok though as I'm still working on my WIPs and stash. They are all in some kind of progress even if you can't see it.
First off, Here's a finish that's a gift for some friends - Since I'm giving this to them tomorrow, I have to come up with a grand finish of some kind real fast!
This next one is part of a SAL in which I'm participating...the picture isn't very clear - I'm sure it has a lot to do with the fact that my light blue doesn't show up well on the oatmeal colored aida.
This last is part of the Seasonal Houses by Brooke Nolan. It's entitled Spring. I may get it done by next spring. ;-)
For those of you who don't know, I'm also a quilter. I haven't made a quilt in a while but recently I made a quilt for my dad who is in Personal Care Assisted Living in PA. The hands and feet brought to you by my dh.
Well, that's it from here.
No politically incorrect things to say...and it's not that I don't have anything to say...just not today. :-)